JIPipe extensions

Table Of Contents

Installing new extensions

JIPipe extensions are ImageJ plugins and thus can be installed just as any plugin.

Available options are:

  1. Installation via the Fiji updater
  2. Manual installation by copying the files into the plugins or jars directory

Older JIPipe versions (1.73.x or older) will automatically load all extensions during the startup. This behavior was changed in JIPipe 1.74.0 where the extensions needs to be manually activated after the installation.

Activating extensions

Extensions only need to be activated in JIPipe version 1.74.0 or newer

Detected extensions

On starting JIPipe, you will be warned about newly detected extensions. Click "Open extension manager" if you want to enable them.
You can always open the extension manager by navigating to Plugins > Manage JIPipe plugins.
The extension manager needs to run various tasks in the background. We do not recommend to install extensions while JIPipe is running a pipeline.

Activating extensions

By default, JIPipe will automatically display any newly detected extension. Click "Activate" to activate any extension that want to utilize.

Extension dependencies

Some extensions have additional dependencies in form of other extensions or ImageJ update sites. Click "Continue" to install/activate all selected dependencies.
Afterwards you will be prompted to restart ImageJ or JIPipe (depending on the type of activated extension(s) and dependencies).