Creating a data type

Data class

Custom JIPipe data types must inherit from JIPipeData. Please implement all required functions as suggested by the interface if it is a non-abstract or interface data type.

Required annotations

Examples for storage documentations

Feel free to re-use schemata for different types if the structure matches.


A data type has no suggested constrains for constructors.

Reading data

JIPipe reads the data type by calling a static function importData(JIPipeReadDataStorage, JIPipeProgressInfo), which must be always present in any data type class.

To allow future abstraction of data storage, JIPipe provides a JIPipeReadDataStorage instance that contains methods for storing data into arbitrary locations. The current only implementation is JIPipeFileSystemReadDataStorage that encapsulates an empty and unique directory where data can be written.

You can use the getFileSystemPath() function to get the absolute path to this directory. As a file system mapping is already present, this has no additional cost.

We recommend to not make use of this function, as non-filesystem backends might create a full copy of all data in a temporary file cache for reading, slowing down the data transfer. We recommend to utilize the provided methods of the interface:

Writing data

On implementing JIPipeData interface, you will implement a method exportData(JIPipeWriteDataStorage, String name, boolean forceName, JIPipeProgressInfo)

As with reading data, the storage is encapsulated into a dedicated interface, here JIPipeWriteDataStorage. Here, you can again access the file system path via getFileSystemPath().

We again recommend to utilize non-filesystem functions to improve the performance of other backends:

Additionally, a name parameter is present and contains information about possible file names. It can be ignored unless forceName is true. The reason behind this is that then the name is pre-generated in a unique way for saving the data at a non-standard location (e.g. exporting the data). In such cases all file or folder names within the storage path should contain the name in some way, even if the import function cannot load the exported data anymore.

Additional methods

There are two optional functions that you can override:

Registering the data type

To register the data type and provide it with an id, and icon, use JIPipeJavaExtension:

@Plugin(type = JIPipeJavaExtension.class)
public class MyExtension extends JIPipeDefaultJavaExtension {

    // ... See previous tutorial for other methods
    public void register() {
        // The two null parameters will be handled in the next tutorials
        // You can leave them null if you want. This is valid.
        registerDataType("my-data", MyData.class, ResourceUtils.getPluginResource("/icons/data-types/data-type.png"));



// Documentation for this data type (for the GUI)
@JIPipeDocumentation(name = "My data", description = "This is some data")

// Human-readable description plus a JSON Schema that describe the structure of a storage folder 
@JIPipeStorageDocumentation(humanReadableDescription = "Contains exactly one *.json file that stores the string value.", 
jsonSchemaURL = "")

// You can use @JIPipeHidden to hide this data from data type list UIs
public class MyData implements JIPipeData {

    String value;

    public MyData() {

    // Constructor that initializes the data
    public MyData(String value) {
          this.value = value;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public String setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    // This should return a deep copy
    public JIPipeData duplicate() {
        return new MyData(value);

    // The display method is optional, but recommended
    public void display(String displayName, JIPipeWorkbench workbench) {
        JIPipeTextEditor editor = JIPipeTextEditor.openInNewTab(workbench, displayName);

    // The preview method is optional, but recommended for many cases
    // The width and height are guidelines you should adhere to (especially the height)
    public Component preview(int width, int height) {
        // This example would overlap with toString()
        return new JLabel(value);

    // Do not forget to override this
   public String toString() {
       return StringUtils.orElse(value, "");

    public void exportData(JIPipeWriteDataStorage storage, String name, boolean forceName, JIPipeProgressInfo progress) {
        // This uses the helper function of JIPipeWriteDataStorage
        storage.writeJSON(name + ".json", this);

        // Alternative 1: If you require an OutputStream
        try(OutputStream stream = storage.write(name + ".json")) {
            // Write to OutputStream [...]

        // Alternative 2: You can generate an absolute file path that can be used if no stream-based writing is available:
        Path outputPath = storage.getFileSystemPath().resolve(name + ".json");
        // write to output path [...]
        // The storage backend will automatically ensure that the file is included

    // Do not forget to add this method or JIPipe will refuse to start
    public static MyData importData(JIPipeReadDataStorage storage, JIPipeProgressInfo progress) {
        Path path = storage.findFileByExtension(".json").get();
        return storage.readJSON(path, MyData.class);

        // Alternative options are equivalent to exportData()

You can use JIPipe’s JsonUtils class to get access to a Jackson JSON ObjectMapper.

Do not forget to override toString(), as the string representation will be displayed in the cache browser.