Graph node

This document describes the properties of the JSON API object. You also can access the document in JSON Schema format: algorithm-node.schema.json

Node in a graph

jipipe:slot-configuration: object [object Object]

User-defined slots. Might be ignored depending on the algorithm. The keys are the slot names.

jipipe:node-ui-location: object [object Object]

Locations of this node within the UI. Optional. The keys depend on the UI implementation.

jipipe:node-info-id: string

Algorithm type ID

jipipe:graph-compartment: string

Compartment UUID. Only relevant in project graphs. Empty indicates no compartment assignment.

jipipe:alias-id: string

Human-readable ID. Unique within the same graph. Can be changed by the software.

name: string

A custom name for this node. Only important for the UI. If null or empty, the UI will default to the node type name.

description: object

A custom description. Only important for the UI.


  "jipipe:slot-configuration" : {
    "Folders" : {
      "slot-data-type" : "folder",
      "slot-type" : "Input",
      "inherited-slot" : null,
      "name" : "Folders",
      "custom-name" : null,
      "inheritance-conversions" : { }
    "Annotated folders" : {
      "slot-data-type" : "folder",
      "slot-type" : "Output",
      "inherited-slot" : null,
      "name" : "Annotated folders",
      "custom-name" : null,
      "inheritance-conversions" : { }
  "jipipe:algorithm-ui-location" : {
    "default-preprocessing" : {
      "x" : 525,
      "y" : 100
    "default-preprocessing{Vertical}" : {
      "x" : 25,
      "y" : 250
    "default-preprocessing{Horizontal}" : {
      "x" : 450,
      "y" : 50
  "jipipe:algorithm-type" : "folder-annotate-by-name",
  "jipipe:algorithm-compartment" : "default-preprocessing",
  "generated-annotation" : "project-sample",
  "name" : "Folders to annotations",
  "description" : null,
  "jipipe:dynamic-parameters" : { }