JIPipe Help

Adding nodes

Nodes can be added via the Add nodes panel or the Find matching node dialog. This article will explain both methods of inserting new processing steps into a pipeline.

Add nodes panel

The Add nodes panel can be (by default) found at the left sidebar.

Add nodes panel

The panel has three main components:

➊ Search bar

Here you can type in text to filter the list of nodes. The search will primarily match for the name, but also look through the category and description.

Next to the search bar is a Icon icon that will open a menu with additional settings:

Show category browser

Controls if ➋ is displayed.

Show node descriptions

Determines if nodes in ➌ have a short description.

➋ Category browser

JIPipe nodes are assigned to one main category (which also determines the color of the node). Additionally, many nodes are also further organized into a hierarchy, e.g., Images | Threshold | Auto threshold 2D.

The category browser quickly allows you to limit the displayed nodes in ➌ to the selected category. On selecting a category, you will also be able to browse through the hierarchy via an additional panel.

Each category button also doubles as menu that allows to immediately add nodes without browsing through the categories. Nodes will appear at the Target location on being added by the menu.

Node list

The search/category filter results are displayed in the node list. Each item is shown with its representative icon, name, category, and a description.

To add a node from the list into the workflow, 🖱 drag it from the list into the pipeline. Alternatively, you can also 🖱 double-click an item to add it at the target Target location. The Target location can be moved by clicking the workflow.

You can also use the list with keyboard shortcuts. Use and to highlight the item of interest and press Enter. The node will appear at the Target location.

Find matching node dialog

An alternative mode of adding new nodes is to use the Find matching node command of a slot. It can be triggered from the context menu that can be opened by right-clicking the slot or by clicking the Configure configuration button that is located at the slot's datatype icon and by then navigating to Find matching node ... item. You can also double-click the slot.

This will open a dialog with a search bar and a list of matching existing/new nodes. JIPipe ensures that only nodes are displayed that is compatible to the slot.

Click an item to open a menu that allows you to either add the node to the pipeline (for new nodes only), or create a connection. If a node does not exist, it will be automatically created.

Last modified: 20 February 2025