Download JIPipe 1.78.0

This version contains major reworks of some core features and the user interface, including …

Redesigned node UI

In previous JIPipe versions, nodes could be displayed in three different modes (Vertical Compact [default], Vertical, and Horizontal). These were replaced by exactly one mode, which is a even more compact version of ‘vertical compact’.

The new display is faster and reduces the clutter by re-arranging the UI elements. The zoom now works as expected as well.


The new node design features a more clear indicator on its status:

The status is also explained on clicking the slot’s gear icon.


Auto-hiding edges

Large pipelines with long connections can be very busy and hard to read. By default, JIPipe now automatically hides long connections that may contribute towards clutter by displaying them as dashed line only. The inputs are then automatically labelled with the slot and node where the data was sourced from.

You can control this feature by …


Graph toolbar

A toolbar was added to the left side of the graph editor. In its current form it contains the following tools:

Duplicate with inputs

A variant of the Duplicate operation was introduced that preserves the input connections. Similar to the standard Duplicate tool, you can select the node(s) of interest, point your mouse to the target location and press Ctrl+Shift+D

Rewire tool

The rewire tool allows to move multiple connections to another input or output. This is for example useful if you want to introduce additional steps to the processing of an image that is utilized as input of many nodes.

Additional improvements

:point_right: Various older nodes were modernized to use a newer API. Please inform us if you get a message about a missing connection on loading your project