Offline artifacts

JIPipe 5.0.0 and newer versions allow you to add offline distributions of the artifacts. Download the package for your operating system and extract the ZIP file. Click the Artifacts button at the bottom right of the JIPipe window. Then select Add local directory ... and choose the directory that contains the README file and other directories (like org, sc, com, ...).

Due to the size of the archive, we had to split it into multiple parts. Please download all of them.

To extract the 7z files, we recommend to install NanaZip (Windows 11), 7-zip (Windows 10), or PeaZip (Linux). Start the extraction with the .001 file.

Resources for developers


5.0.0 4.1.0 4.0.0 3.0.0 2.0.0 1.81.0 1.80.0 1.79.0 1.78.0 1.77.0 1.76.0 1.75.2 1.75.1 1.74.0 1.73.0 1.72.0