JIPipe Help

Running projects

You can instruct JIPipe to run the whole project by clicking the Run button at the top-right corner of the JIPipe window.

The run button

Clicking the button will create an internal copy of your current project and open a new tab Run that comes with a variety of settings.

By default, JIPipe will execute all nodes of your pipeline and store the generated results into the provided Output folder in a JIPipe-specific format.

Disable JIPipe standard output

If you want to prevent the storage of the data into JIPipe's own format, for example if you created your own exporter nodes, de-select the Save results to disk in JIPipe format checkbox.

JIPipe will automatically analyze your pipeline and offer you to turn off features that would impact the performance of the pipeline:

Notification to disable feature

Disable storage of large intermediate results

JIPipe will analyze the pipeline and detect outputs that contain data with a large memory footprint (e.g., images, 3D ROI, ...), but are only used as intermediate results. You can navigate to the Performance tab and disable the storage of such data to the hard drive.

Disable the storage of other results

You can control whether results are stored for a specific output via the Exported tab.

Last modified: 20 February 2025